Opening up the Universal Principle that Governs Your Entire Life...
... 30 days to Uncover the Mystery to Lasting Transformation

from where you are standing- crossing over to - where you want to Be.

The Warrior Sister Movement

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Your Challenge Begins
February 22, 2021...
Save Your Place Today!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Attn: Fearless Woman
Watch the "The Adventure Begins" Video Below to Discover...
 ...How To Remove The Arrows Of
Twisted Words From Your Heart 
To Begin Creating 
The Life You Want
& Desire...
.... Even IF You're Unsure Where The Next Step Is - Ahead of You!

I'm Ready To Make Me A Priority!

Watch the "The Adventure Begins" Video Below to Discover...

 ...How To Remove The Arrows Of
Twisted Words From Your Heart 
To Begin Creating The Life You Want & Desire...
....Even IF You're Unsure Where The Next Step Is - Ahead of You. 

It's Time To Make YOU A Priority

Message from: Lisa Anne

Founder of Alpha Warrior Women

What If...
... You Were Invited On An Adventure About...
What If...
... You Were Invited On An Adventure About...
 How to Be the Woman that Understands the Deepest Areas of Her Own Limiting Beliefs...?
 How to Be the Woman that Lives Life Like the Eight Year Old without a care in the world...?
 While Leading You Through the Process Of The Steps... 
to Empower You to Pivot in the Direction of What God 
Is Asking of You ...?
 While Letting Go of Shame and Guilt of The Past... 
... to Lean Into the Unknown to Find the Dreams That Were Placed On The Shelf. 
 To Have The Courage to Walk Forward Into Complete Oblivion...
... Where YOU Find Every Piece Your Soul Desires...?
 Without Feeling That It's Another Thing On the Never Ending to-do-list, to complete transform your life...

Would You Be Interested? 

YES!!! I do not know where I would without being surrounded and lifted up by such strong women. Ever since our talk, I have had soooo much CLARITY and FIRE that I feel like NOTHING can stop my mission 🙌 ~ Kaci 
I absolutely LOVE working with Lisa!
She is the most responsible and efficient person I've ever worked with... ~ Olga 
I LOVE your work and I look forward to working with you in our next phase of growing business!!!
~ Jerry  

You're About to Go On An Adventure With Me...
... To Share With You About A Best Kept Secret
That Thousands of Women Don't Even Know Where It Began. 

        ➺ Remember... 

                      ... Where YOU Originated. 

 Despite Being Told That, WE, Powerful Women Have Smashed Through So Many Barriers, Structures and Systems...
... we stand inside of a crossroad conflicted on a laundry list of things. 
 Eating disorders continue to rise through the world...
... leaving family members baffled at how no one noticed. 
 Sales of female beauty products have trippled...
... everything from creams, to cosmetics, and all the pieces in-between. 
 You often feel paralyzed by perfection...
... where this critic in your head tells you like a 3-year-old on repeat-
that you're just not good enough. 
 You feel that you are placing others needs ahead of yours, because that it what you should be doing to feel loved by others around you...
... leaving you to just feel exhausted at the end of the day.
 You often feel that you're stuck inside of a cage...
... carrying guilt and shame of the past mistakes that just seem to be lingering in your thoughts. 
 You know that you were made for something more...
... except you're just unable to figure it out.







So, What Happened Exactly? 

or Better yet, what am I referring to... 

... Ok, are you ready for the backstory...? 

See, society that would LOVE for me to BE hush, hush about what I'm about to share with you...

... as it begins to shift the playing field and inside of sharing this story with you it will also rock the boat with millions inside our world...

... well, I'm finally creating a stand in a whole other dimension
sit tight for about 7 minutes, this will be well worth your time really. 


Let's begin:
The story originated clear back in 1484...

when Women- generations before us...

were initially 

… completely changing the entire trajectory of our world,
the one you and I are presently standing inside of

… that now, after 517+ years later-

WE are finally beginning to find HER once again.

The one that's been underneath quicksand...

The one that's been feeling lost in the cave of darkness...

The one that's been told she's: 
too bold
too much
doesn't know her place...

Wait, what are you talking about?  

Let me share this simply:

It's about a girl that was forgotten...
... for generations.

A little girl that was being molded to:

be a certain way in school to have friends

➺ behave in a way that was conforming to the labels on you

➺ or one that is so common that we hear on repeat:
 "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all?"

slowly removing the greatest pieces of you...
... from the very beginning of realizing you existed in this world of ours.

It was taken up a notch in elementary grade school.

This generational system intensified through the years,
all the way into high-school, possibly even into college...

where then you entered into your career-

and you got hit with this tornado from all angles!

➺➺ (no one really prepared me for that step, what about you? )

Finding yourself reading this right here, right now-

and there's some of the same old patterns, these cycles, this sabotage,

maybe from when you were 11-years-old that you just can't get rid of. 

Yes, I SEE you. 

Now, here's the most fascinating link between you & me-

there's this bizarre experience that begins...

... where dreams begin unfolding. 

Sometimes it is when you're sleeping, other times you're finding yourself inside of these bubbles almost during the day...

a crossroad of sorts, in your thoughts, that feels familiar...
... and yet, it doesn't.

It's a place that your thoughts begin uncovering the half-truths...

& then no truths we've been told about women-

for generations, which is NOT even logical to be comprehend...

it's when you fully feel it through your entire body.

(... continue reading below) 

When did this Begin?

Thank you for asking...

this is where it gets a bit on the spicy side, where if they could shove it under the carpet - that's what they'd like to do-

than we wouldn't even realize how powerful this shift would carry us into- standing on the ground we are both in right now.

It began with Pope Innocent VIII, 
where scripture was utilized of: 

Exodus 22:18... begin the HUNT.

What comes to your thoughts with that word?
According to the dictionary:

1: to pursue for food or in sport hunt buffalo
2: to pursue with intent to capture
3: to drive or chase especially by carrying
4: to traverse in search of prey

The thing is, this is where so many of us-
don't even realize what happened- 

so grab your box of tissues for the rest...

this hunt, it was on Women-

the generations before us...

the ones that were deemed powerful...

the ones that said back then we were "too much

to suppress and repress connection...

to split us inside our community... 

and the wisdom we once shared together.

Don't believe me?

Sit back & watch your surroundings-
just be there quietly and listen.  

➺➺ For me, this is where I found this Huntress within me-
this adventurous place within that wanted to go into why did this happen...? 

and internally began the search

in finding where I had forgotten about myself-
to answer this simple question of:

who am I...?

to find these pieces... 

that I felt were all scattered about. 

Leading me to ask a series of questions-

of why is the following questions below

such a struggle for women

in our ENTIRE world...

both directions of the OCEAN...

as far as your eyes can see. 

     ➺ Remember...

➺ Remember...

             ... Finding HOME Once Again. 

... Finding HOME 
Once Again. 

 Why do we, as women, have to remember that we are indeed...
 Why were we never taught about how to do this in high school?
Then, the worst part...
 We'll remember how to find this sense of confidence, and then FORGET all over again?
Why is that...?

What will it take for each ONE of us to wake up this most 
BEAUTIFUL heart of ours...

... to stop giving the most intricate pieces of us to the ones 
that want to cause us to flicker?
... I get it there, have been there more times than what I even want to begin to count. 

So, the word... 
that would change the future for generations to come-

the actions that changed us hundreds of years ago...

EST... 1484

a controlling, ego-fuelled, money-obsessed, capitalist takeover...

a controlling, ego-fuelled, money-obsessed, 
capitalist takeover...

that eventually followed the destruction 

the UNITY of each one of us-

where we began to battle & split the labyrinth between us. 

This is saturated and you can feel it, depending on where you travel-

it touches millions of women
 across the world...

... not a single one of us are able to escape this reality either. 

And, the problem?

This has yet to be completely explored into- 
has yet to be transformed 100%...

... the sad fact- way too many women have yet to fully
EMERGE with their full authenticity, and we struggle with placing ourselves on the back-burner way too much!

We have to stop these crazy patterns once & for all.

We are the each part of this interwoven fabric...

... and as the tides are changing more women are realizing it will take each one of us to heal- 

to completely transform for each one of us, and the legacy behind us.  

Let's correct a misnomer before you continue...

...where you are able to hear my heartstrings here below.

... where you are able to hear my heartstrings here below

this shift isn't about MALE bashing...
... I get it -I hear you... 
"so many men have growing up to do!"

this shift isn't about MALE bashing...

... I get it -
I hear you...

"so many men 
have lots
of growing up to do!"

but, here's the thing- this is affecting every single one of us
on a deeper level, barely scratching the surface...
- let me share with you what I'm talking about

the entire era of 1484 affects
every single woman, single, dating, and married- none of us have a free pass out of this. 

it's this social system
that has infiltrated our world;

where the vast majority is begging...

when are we:

Simply humans- holding hands together...?

And we're tired from the 2020 Era...

... that many of us never saw arriving on the Horizon


those ripple effects
hit each and every single one of us.

- we're emotionally drained 
and our bodies are physically even to the extent of being SOUL exhausted.

this is how the system goes for millions of us, across the world: 

we begin as the: girlfriend

that is in competition with the DM's, the PM's, and let's include his selected ex's that he still talks to-

except there's this double standard and it is most certainly wrong for you
to do the same.  

the images he still holds onto,
the porn links that he tries to keep hidden from you...

... with some apps on the market that will send you a message of his activity...

Here's a gut check for you...

A little heart to heart

Why would you even do this to yourself;  when does HE become honest....? 

... with his time that he claims to be working, except you know what he's been doing...

He calls you jealous, insecure,
and that you can leave

if in fact, you have an issue...

Are you not important enough for him
to let the past stay where it belongs...?

Why does he not see you...?

these questions begin arriving...

& if that doesn't sting enough-

this is where you begin to be worried-

Is he even committed to the two of you? end up feeling like you have to-
rather You should BE:

"some extra on the runway"
the arm candy...
the perfect girlfriend really

for him to actually show up with you...

to spice up the sheets a bit, you decide to go shopping...
planning the details of your night for your 2nd dating anniversary...

only to find yourself- alone- laying in bed, crying...

inside this new Victoria's Secret matching set- that you thought he would be excited to see you slipped inside of, except he has yet to arrive- again

to make matters worse-
the show on Netflix is more important than you...?

See, I hear you.

it's shattering your heart
creating doubt inside for your future- 

where you begin to internalize:
Do you even matter?

leading you to question: 
Is there even a 3rd year even arriving for you? 

then, you decide to move in together. 

things will change, he keeps promising you, he's not the same he was before and that he wants a life with you.  

welcome the new stage of: maid 

this has arrived for you. 

❃ to clean the house
❃ the loads of laundry
❃ the dishes piled up

and when you make it through those two stages- 

this is where it gets a bit foggy for the majority of us. 

he puts a ring on your finger
& you become the wife

the honey moon phase
quickly evaporates...

that you should do all the things...

to be all the things...

the girlfriend, the maid, and the one that he obligates for his use-

since in some twisted way, he believes, he now owns you

the one that has to hold it all together with kids too-

❃ one in school

❃ a toddler that refuses to take a nap

❃ with a newborn baby that's sick on top of it...

eight years later...

Where you find yourself asking:

When do you get to sleep or even have a shower
without someone needing you? 

and somewhere inside all of this, is the place he gets comfortable...

thinking you won't ever leave...

he hands you a silver platter of excuses of: 

❃ why he can't help in the house

❃ he looks for the remote to soothe his difficult day

❃ then he's waiting for his dinner to be served to him too

meanwhile, he piles all of his stress for you to carry on the shoulders of you...?!

Doesn't He see you're exhausted already? 

oh wait, it's Wednesday-
as you're running to put on shoes-

the pouring rain soaks you through your pj's, taking out the garbage before it's delayed

adding to that never ending 
to-do list

since by God... that garbage truck has arrived on cue
for 20+ years, mind you...

and you're the one managing this- 
when the world sees you as having it all together

little do they realize the masquarading when it feels like you're dying inside. 

See, you've adopted this belief
that damn to-do list always has something new added to it

that YOU are supposed to do "it" without complaints, without asking for help... be all the things
so they say-

the roles you have to do in order to be loved...?

with the attached memo of:
don't you dare slip up-
or he'll find someone 
to replace you. 

that's what you've heard, didn't you...? 

Ya, me too. 

And, unfortunately 

this lesson arrived multiple times: 

year 8

year 15

only now, you feel caged-

❃ How did things get this way...? 

❃ How will you judged if you leave...? 

❃ Why are all these images and the links still hidden
Why would he not let go of all those yesterdays? 

& if your fuse is really long...
since you have some hope and you want to stay afloat

it returns to you at year 20...

the same hopelessness
since no lasting changes were made. 

sitting inside of a place being ashamed, it's not YOU-

Did you read that...? 

that little voice, that is on repeat while you're crying in the shower- 

When will you make the decision to love yourself enough to go...? 

When you find the Strength to Stand Upright?

those hard lines in the sand,
you've erased millions of times...

reaching the crossroad once again of feeling that you've been on top of the ice-covered lake the whole time, and now it's shattered...

...where you find yourself holding onto the ice, your body is cold, your heart is broken and any energy you thought you had, is slipping slowly through your hands, piece by piece...

your mind is officially screaming to you: 

this is drowning

the facts are staring at you blatantly, these are no longer able to be ignored and your heart has reached apathy.

you're tired of being quiet

... knowing he'll be there in the morning for a cup of coffee and a quiet breakfast

before the world opens up
with the list of notifications for you.  


this doesn't happen...

those tears he can't understand; you're being 
too emotional

a tad bit too much

unable to be controlled

unable to be obligated
to the rules

those tears dry up.

Your heart becomes guarded...

... shattered even, it's a toss up between the two.  


You are done asking for things to change.

You are done with the empty promises

You are done crying alone.

You are done feeling like nothing.

You are done with even feeling alone inside some superficial newsfeed relationship. 

You wanted to build a future
you attempted over and over again...

...this is where you learn, that hard reality You can NOT save him, nor can you carry him any further. 

You've done everything you could think of...

You're heart is cracked into the pieces...

Your thoughts are in a state of confusion from listening for way too long and way too much

you've built a fortress around you to stop listening to him yelling anymore.

you've become tired from your own inner sabotage
all these beliefs you began adopting that you were the problem. 

You've attempted to fit inside
what the world wanted...

... what your parents wanted

... what your friends said in the subtle messages's Ok to see it for what it is.

the list of excuses are miles upon miles long at this point...

where you take a hard look at reality; his actions just handed you all 52 cards

the LIFE you thought you were in was a figment of an imagination

and it was time to face the hard truth...

it's inside this place you find the Courage inside
to get yourself up, wipe the tears off your cheeks
and stop having skinned up knees. 

This is Your Turning Point. 

it's where you stop living
inside of some hopeless dream
to be loved for just you

All of You- with the spaces in-between. 

and through it all, you've discovered: 

No regrets for this simple reason-

it's called the process of cultivating and
what you do inside the path of finding YOU. 

You officially signed your permission slip
and you are now liberated from being caged. 

So Proud of You. 

Finding the bricks to hand back, that never belonged to you. 

Finding your most intricate places that you covered up. 

Finding your adventures ahead of you. 

You, Sister are finally breathing. 

Pinky promise. 

the entire era of 1484 affects
every single woman, single, dating,
and married- none of us have a free pass out of this. 

it's this social system
that has infiltrated our world;

where the vast majority is begging...
when are we:

Simply humans- holding hands together...?

And we're tired from the 2020 Era...
... that many of us never saw arriving on the Horizon


those ripple effects
hit each and every single one of us.

... we're emotionally drained and our bodies are physically
even to the extent of being SOUL exhausted.

this is how the system goes for millions of us,
across the world: 

we begin as the: girlfriend

that is in competition with the DM's, the PM's, and let's include his selected ex's that he still talks to-

except there's this double standard
and it is most certainly wrong for you
to do the same.  

the images he still holds onto,
the porn links that he tries to keep hidden from you...

... with some apps on the market
that will send you a message of his activity...

Here's a gut check for you...

A little heart to heart

Why would you even do this to yourself; 
when does HE become honest....

... with his time that he claims to be working, 
except you know what he's been doing...? 

He calls you jealous, insecure,
and that you can leave

if in fact, you have an issue...

Are you not important enough for him
to let the past stay where it belongs...?

Why does he not see you...?

these questions begin arriving...

& if that doesn't sting enough-

this is where you begin to be worried-

Is he even committed to the two of you? end up feeling like you have to-
rather You should BE:

"some extra on the runway"
the arm candy...
the perfect girlfriend really

for him to actually show up with you...

to spice up the sheets a bit, you decide to go shopping...
planning the details of your night for your 2nd dating anniversary...

only to find yourself- alone- laying in bed, crying...

inside this new Victoria's Secret matching set-
that you thought he would be excited to see you
slipped inside of, except he has yet to arrive- again

to make matters worse-
the show on Netflix is more important than you...?

See, I hear you.

it's shattering your heart
creating doubt inside for your future- 

where you begin to internalize:
Do you even matter?

leading you to question: 
Is there even a 3rd year even arriving for you? 

then, you decide to move in together. 

things will change, he keeps promising you, he's not the same he was before and that he wants a life with you.  

welcome the new stage of: maid 
this has arrived for you. 

❃ to clean the house
❃ the loads of laundry
❃ the dishes piled up

and when you make it through those two stages- 

this is where it gets a bit foggy for the majority of us. 

he puts a ring on your finger
& you become the wife

the honey moon phase
quickly evaporates...

that you should do all the things...

to be all the things...

the girlfriend, the maid, and the one
that he obligates for his use-

since in some twisted way, he believes, he now owns you

the one that has to hold it all together with kids too-

❃ one in school

❃ a toddler that refuses to take a nap

❃ with a newborn baby that's sick on top of it...

eight years later...

Where you find yourself asking:

When do you get to sleep or even have a shower
without someone needing you? 

and somewhere inside all of this, is the place he gets comfortable...

thinking you won't ever leave...

he hands you a silver platter of excuses of: 

❃ why he can't help in the house

❃ he looks for the remote to soothe his difficult day

❃ then he's waiting for his dinner to be served to him too

meanwhile, he piles all of his stress for you to carry on the shoulders of you...?!

Doesn't He see you're exhausted already? 

oh wait, it's Wednesday-
as you're running to put on shoes-

the pouring rain soaks you through your pj's,
taking out the garbage before it's delayed

adding to that never ending to-do-list

since by God... that garbage truck has arrived on cue
for 20+ years, mind you...

and you're the one managing this-

when the world sees you as having it all together

little do they realize the masquarading
when it feels like you're dying inside. 

See, you've adopted this belief
that damn to-do-list always has something
new added to it

that YOU are supposed to do "it"
without complaints, without asking for help... be all the things, so they say-

the roles you have to do in order to be loved...?

with the attached memo of:
don't you dare slip up-
or he'll find someone to replace you. 

that's what you've heard, didn't you...? 

Ya, me too. 

And, unfortunately 

this lesson arrived multiple times: 

year 8

year 15

only now, you feel caged-

❃ How did things get this way...? 

❃ How will you judged if you leave...? 

❃ Why are all these images and the links still hidden
Why would he not let go of all those yesterdays? 

& if your fuse is really long...
since you have some hope and you want to stay afloat

it returns to you at year 20...

the same hopelessness
since no lasting changes were made. 

sitting inside of a place being ashamed, it's not YOU-

Did you read that...? 

that little voice, that is on repeat
while you're crying in the shower- 

When will you make the decision
to love yourself enough to go...? 

When you find the Strength to Stand Upright?

those hard lines in the sand,
you've erased millions of times...

reaching the crossroad once again of feeling that you've been on top of the ice-covered lake the whole time, and now it's shattered...

...where you find yourself holding onto the ice, your body is cold, your heart is broken and any energy you thought you had, is slipping slowly through your hands, piece by piece...

your mind is officially screaming to you: 

this is drowning

the facts are staring at you blatantly, these are no longer able to be ignored and your heart has reached apathy.

you're tired of being quiet

... knowing he'll be there in the morning
for a cup of coffee and a quiet breakfast

before the world opens up
with the list of notifications for you.  


this doesn't happen...

those tears he can't understand;
you're being too emotional

a tad bit too much

unable to be controlled

unable to be obligated
to the rules

those tears dry up.

Your heart becomes guarded...

... shattered even, it's a toss up between the two.  


You are done asking for things to change.

You are done with the empty promises

You are done crying alone.

You are done feeling like nothing.

You are done with even feeling alone
inside some superficial newsfeed relationship. 

You wanted to build a future
you attempted over and over again...

...this is where you learn, that hard reality You can NOT save him,
nor can you carry him any further. 

You've done everything you could think of...

You're heart is cracked into the pieces...

Your thoughts are in a state of confusion
from listening for way too long and way too much

you've built a fortress around you
to stop listening to him yelling anymore.

you've become tired from your own inner sabotage
all these beliefs you began adopting that you were the problem. 

You've attempted to fit inside
what the world wanted...

... what your parents wanted

... what your friends said in the subtle messages's Ok to see it for what it is.

the list of excuses
are miles upon miles long
at this point...

where you take a hard look at reality;
his actions
just handed you all 52 cards

the LIFE you thought you were in
was a figment of an imagination

and it was time to face the hard truth...

it's inside this place you find the Courage inside
to get yourself up, wipe the tears off your cheeks
and stop having skinned up knees. 

This is Your Turning Point. 

it's where you stop living
inside of some hopeless dream
to be loved for just you

All of You- with the spaces in-between. 

and through it all, you've discovered: 

No regrets for this simple reason-

it's called the process of cultivating and
what you do inside the path of finding YOU. 

You officially signed your permission slip
and you are now liberated from being caged. 

So Proud of You. 

Finding the bricks to hand back, that never belonged to you. 

Finding your most intricate places that you covered up. 

Finding your adventures ahead of you. 

You, Sister are finally breathing. 

Pinky promise. 

And here is the part...

... you've been waiting for-'ve been waiting for-


which means this...

You stop being abandoned

You stop being the doormat

You learn how to trust you-
and begin to navigate the world 

for You. 

You find this little girl that took on saving the world...
... being the eight year old just learning how to tie her shoes. 

You soothe her from the day where she wasn't picked at recess to play and where she ran away to wipe her tears in the bathroom. 

You show empathy for the years that she was the peacekeeper-
placing herself on the shelf, in the broken confusion...
... when she was growing up as a teenager. 

You release HER heart from all the night from her mother screaming at her- demanding her to obey the 10 commandments or she'll be burning in hell as her price to pay. 

See, Sister, 
the change begins in your hands

and when this begins is when you find out...
that You indeed are Powerful. 

and inside of this new adventure

you begin to see...
there are Powerful men inside the world, also. 

I think we all know of the selected group that I'm referring to...

that have moved away from being the 
whiny boy victims...

... where they truly understand when WE as Vibrant Women 
decide to step into OUR Divine Power-

inadvertently, they actually reap the rewards, right alongside with us-

IF and ONLY if-
they're worthy of our complete presence.

They've also been through some places of falling inside the frozen lake- 

just like you and they felt it was time to transition to transform, too. 

Most men inside society have no clue what to do with a Powerful Woman standing upright and because of this...

women are given these underlying messages to:

water ourselves down

to not compete inside the field

and to play nice in knowing our place... 

Problem with this...?

So many Men get drained of their own powerful energy.

How do they get drained? 

By the wounds that women carry...

See, until you realize this,
the patterns come back to haunt you again.

The wounds from previous toxic ex's, the family members that had you as the scape-goat, and where you felt that it was always on you

the one attempting to fix everything, for everyone.

and the world gets stuck in the process.

it's a terrible pendulum swing, really. 

What happens if wounds are left open
what do you mean? 

well... these open wounds deplete us of our happiness, our sense of feeling calm and security inside all relationships. 

We carry these bricks around from one day to the next. 

where the views of one another become hazy

and have yet to figure out how to create this harmony inside of our own internal heartstrings and the love with the ones we treasure the most. 

The thing is, there still is a big battleground for the majority of men across the world, it shows up everywhere across the newsfeeds...

as they are working on how to figure out their own set of battles they go through daily.

inside of this, Powerful Women are forgetting how to LOVE, it's so crazy, I know.

Since we are divinely created with this beautiful force inside of us-
we are doomed in the next generation behind us,

if we don't get this figured out. 

Fact still remains ⇝ that men do want, they even desire a Bold woman next to their side; 

they need us actually. 

now, Sister, IF you are with a powerful man that understands LOVE is a daily commitment

then what I'm about to share with you will bring into a deeper connection with not only yourself, except with this man that walks with you in life. 

First things, first-

It begins with YOU, standing up. 

Sister, this part brings tears to my eyes...

go grab a box of tissues. 

Way too many women are-

❒ still HIDING on the sidelines-

❒ feeling unworthy

❒ feeling undeserving

❒ feeling invisible

❒ feeling abandoned

❒ feeling empty

❒ feeling heartbroken

feeling like they're unable to step into their OWN potential.

it's a spiraling effect, and You have the ability to Stop it. 

Yes, truly stop it. 

Here is where you have to ask yourself

If you want to...


The Importance Of Tapping Into Your Roots...

to re-CONNECT to The Earth Beneath Your Feet...

To Source the Energy...

To Live Life Unleased...

To BE Untamed...

or to just Live Life Unapologetically...

If you can feel that, through your bones-  

then- Sister, this invitation is for you...
I've been sharing this 4 pillar system in 1:1 consulting and
inside small groups of women that started in 2008
who have utilized this system over the years to escape feeling overwhelmed, stressful experiences, carrying guilt and feeling alone. 

  ➺ Reconnect...

             ... in being just YOU, every single piece of you. 

Every woman has arrived from different experiences with specific challenges they've individually faced...

yet the ONE thing that held each one of us caged-
was the SAME

We failed to understand ONE simple, innate gift, a truth we all share...

              what is this? 


Our Bodies, if we let them, are deeply in tune with the cycles of the SEASON.

In fact, our menstrual cycle is our internal map

this our own personal timekeeper
that gives us guidance and direction on and in EVERYTHING we do. 

... when we allow this cyclic nature to be our guide, not something- OUTSIDE of us, we can really understand why, for so damn long...

we've felt that we don't "fit in" or that we don't belong. 

Worse yet, our individual Puella Aeterna is scattered about...

... by a society that labeled us as silly, dramatic, and on top of it all-

our emotions were scoffed at...

thus, depleting us piece by piece. 

Sister, the truth is, 

Our cyclic nature and direct relationship with the roots into the earth...

... that makes us, make YOU- a force to that simply can...


They've tried...

...oh boy, have they tried. 

The thing is- let's just straight-shoot this for a minute shall we- 

it's the Society that obligates you to conform...
... meaning 
1. to their box
2. to their rules
3. to their viewpoints

and if you don't...?

well, it makes living life to our full potential as tricky as possible-

which is the BIGGEST understatement ___ EVER

with this messaging passed on through generations...
... to adapt to this world around us, it's like a tangled ball of yarn really. 

let alone to even begin navigating the "straight lines" of conformity. 

it's like you feel completely lost, unheard, unseen and drained of your energy in finding this deep creative piece within us...

it's something men don't quite understand, 
and why would they...? 

it's not like they were provided a uterus at birth. 

true story

see, this layer of us, is interwoven and interlaced
into the fabric of the earth...

we begin to create massive transformation-

inside of our own LIFE-

when you feel this
through every fiber
of your heartstrings-

here are you ready for this...

YOU are a woman- NEWSFLASH...

And a woman is NOT consistent inside straight lines...

- we are like a spider web that has spun with silk 
and we thrive inside the ebbs and flow...

we're designed to be squiggly...
True Story. 

those straight lines goes against
every Beautiful piece of our soul...

- mentally
- emotionally
- physically
- spiritually

Inside of this conversation, it is my obligation for me to be inside this place to be walking towards my full potential, daily- 

as much as it belongs to you to return to the roots inside the earth...
... with reverence


We have to do this,
the world is truly counting on us to shift. 

to go through the metamorphosis process...

from where are to MOVE towards the woman we desire to be, next. 

and if we don't choose this...? 

the legacy behind us- 
will continue to repeat this cycle of remaining on the outskirts.




When we attune to all the ways that makes each one us truly unique...

... we come back into this interwoven relationship with both our outer
and inner landscape simultaneously. 

We realize that we are no longer separate after all. 

How BEAUTIFUL is that? 

is that? 

This is where we, every single one of us...

re- CLAIM our truest self, inside this place, we're reminded that no matter how dark life may get when we face challenges...

... the LIGHT returns within our hands. 

When you stop attempting to work a straight line agenda...

... instead tune in to the ebb & flow of living life 

you open up this door to experience being rooted,
feeling whole and within your TRUTH,

the landscape completely changes before eyes. 

The ripple effect of this choice: 

⇝  your family
⇝  your work
⇝  your relationships
⇝  your own pleasure
     (yes, I did say this) 

will ALL Benefit.
Everything is connected.

Everything is cyclic

Everything transforms from being rooted.

You'll notice that the more you're aligned-
the more you lean into who YOU are going to become, next...  

... your truest self, awakens

and while men will work diligently to understand us, 
and I'm so grateful for the scattered few among us...

no man will truly understand us,
to the deepest core
like another powerful women
is able to relate. 

It's bond of Sisterhood that can NOT be broken. 

Plus, as obvious as this is...
- they don't know the challenges we face
for simply being a woman. 

Sister, YOU are a FORCE OF NATURE. 

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it. Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister the world is waiting...

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it. Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR call is waiting...

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it.
Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR Call is waiting...

If just part of the web vibrates...
         ...if there's trouble, we all understand it. 

Join Our Tribe, in this adventure-
You DESERVE this. 

If just part of the web vibrates...
 ...if there's trouble, we all understand it. 

Join Our Tribe, in this Adventure-
You DESERVE this. 

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it. Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR call is waiting...

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it.
Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR Call is waiting...

If just part of the web vibrates...
 ...if there's trouble, we all understand it. 

Join Our Tribe, 
in this adventure-
You DESERVE this. 

If just part of the web vibrates...
 ...if there's trouble, we all understand it. 

Join Our Tribe, in this adventure-
You DESERVE this. 

See, the longer you delay
Your Roots slowly wither away. 

Sister, I won't say this lightly... 
... what I've shared with you is to gently Hold You
to cry with you, and to give a glimpse into the backstory

to what the world is in the middle of,
not to BREAK you down. 

It's to give you permission to sign your own slip
in making a decision, similar to the one I made in 2008...
...that will shift where you're presently standing
to then step into becoming HER.

The powerful woman that is carrying the burden and weight upon HER shoulders, right now, to slowly begin releasing this all...
... to reach the next summit peak of embracing the WOMAN waiting on HER arrival. 

This is the place where your inner-self is waiting for you to explore...
into an adventure that is begging you to finally step forward to SEE HER. 

What are you waiting for...? 

During the 90 28-Day Replenish Experience we join together to...

 Awaken your wild and feminine nature. 

 Awaken your power, your inner authority, and reclaim your Goddess-given sovereignty

 Awaken your fierce love and compassion, to take responsibility for your own nourishment, pleasure, creating boundaries and your heart desires

 Go on an adventure to Discover and Destroy your biggest self-sabotaging Lies, your own limiting beliefs, and stories  that are presently holding you caged.

 You'll understand the exact steps to take to avoid settling for the same old mundane routines and what to do to break these patterns for good. 

 You'll know how to remove labels that don't belong to you anymore handed by generations before you...
...which opens up doors to live life according to your terms. 

 You'll have a group of women surrounding you going through this transition together. 

 Uncover areas of your life that drains you form your daily energy...

...enabling you to REPLENISH your ideas 
and bring these to reality. 

Here's How The Experience works...

Each day, for the next 28 days, I will have daily steps for you in our private community where 
you'll learn a simple 4-step-system from the feminine woman approach, tapping into your innate, beautiful self...
... in unlocking areas in transforming your life. 
Our safe and supportive community is designed for providing an environment to share, engage, and to connect with just being YOU; with a Sisterhood also experiencing the same steps in creating the next steps forward in truly living life. 
A daily commitment of just minutes to 1 hour, based on your own approach, as we all work independently on the workbook provided inside your experience. 

The thing is, these 28 days will not work in lasting change unless...
... you decide to commit to do this for You
Each day, for the next 28- days, I will have daily steps for you in our private community where I will teach you my
4-step-system from the feminine woman approach, tapping into your innate, beautiful self... unlocking areas in transforming your life. 
Our safe and supportive community is designed for providing an environment to share, engage, and to connect with just being YOU; with a Sisterhood also experiencing the same steps in creating the next steps forward in truly living life. 
A daily commitment of just minutes to 1 hour, based on your own approach, as we all work independently on the workbook provided inside your experience.

The thing is, these 21 days will not work in lasting change unless...
... you decide to commit to do this for You. 

Meet Your New Coach:

As a Certified Integrative Wellness and Life Coach,
I am here to come "alongside you", to support and encourage you through your own transformation.

Presently inside my doctorate program of Quantum Physics, with years of exploring into how the mind truly works since 1998, this is an ever changing landscape that I passionately love.

With this ever-changing reality comes this: the alchemy process is really for the selected few that want to live life vibrantly.

As you courageously embark on your personal journey, you're able to have the support without feeling overwhelmed by your transformational changes.

As we navigate a path towards wholeness and harmony, we work together in every step forward to up-level your life, Align Your Soul and live on the terms you've come to find. 

You no longer have to do this journey alone. 

See you on the inside...

Lisa Anne

Is This 30-Day Experience For You...

... does one or more of these below, resonate with you...?

➺ Putting others in front of yourself constantly

➺  Perfectionism

➺ Always waiting for the other shoe to fall

➺ Overthinking everything

➺ Needing validation from others

➺ You can't even trust yourself

➺ Fear of truthful expression

➺ Avoidance of Deep Relationships

➺ Social media scrolling has absorbed most of your time

➺ Easily distracted on trivial things

➺ Second guessing your own decisions

➺ Loneliness

➺ Always on Guard

➺ Serious anxiety 

➺ You feel guilty for needing alone time

➺ Keeping busy

➺ Unable to sleep soundly and be able to recall dreams

➺ Lack of eye contact

➺ Not wanting to be touched; when this is your love language

➺ Not letting other people do things for you

➺ Nightmares / Flashbacks

➺ Desiring to leave healthy relationships since they are foreign for you

➺ Suffering in silence, without anyone to talk to

➺ Lack of confidence

➺ Have trouble saying "no" and sticking to the decision

➺ Blaming yourself or thinking everyone blames you

➺ Feeling suspicious when someone is kind to you

➺ Blaming yourself or thinking everyone blames you

➺ Memory fog from so much stress

➺ You feel alone with no privacy; smothered

➺ Always saying sorry

➺ Unable to enjoy the "quiet time" 

➺ Constantly putting yourself down 

➺ You don't celebrate your wins 

➺ Suffering in silence, without anyone to talk to

➺ Ignoring your feelings &  needs; to keep the peace

It's Time To Make YOU A Priority

Just A Few Raves From Women Behind The Scenes...

... Creating Lasting Transformation Inside of Their Lives. 

- Love Your Page...
You have helped me so much. 
Please keep feeding me.
...find happiness through it all and I contine to thrive and grow.
... your words of encouragement give me hope for the future. 
... strangers who choose to straighten each others' crowns without knowing the other face to face.
Knowing when you feel safe and in good company is priceless. 

What Is Waiting For You Inside This Transformation? 

... If You Decide Enroll Today.  

The Replenish Course
30-Days of Unraveling and Unveiling 
What is Holding You Caged...?

Full Access to Inspire

online journaling software
offered by AWW for the full 30 days- 
so you can unlock areas of your life to fully transform in healing & growth

Bonus: Private 12- Month Membership Group
  (value $564) The Tribe 
Women Exclusively, including our entire support group to help with the ongoing challenges and transformations to experience in the upcoming year, providing you a safe, and unfiltered connection with women as you move forward in the new landscapes of the future.
Bonus: Private 12- Month Membership Group
  (value $564) The Tribe 
Women Exclusively, including our entire support group to help with the ongoing challenges and transformations to experience in the upcoming year, providing you a safe, and unfiltered connection with women as you move forward in the new landscapes of the future.

Total Value: $3,855...    Just One Time $47 Today (Save 82%)  

Q & A... 

... extra details

♕ This experience is only for women? 

Right now, YES. Inside this group it is only for women.

While Lisa has worked with men and women for the growth of their businesses for over 20+ years, this transformation could bring up situations or experiences that are bit more "inner-core" that with a combined group there may be some hesitation of being just who you are, so to provide a safe and vulnerable 21 day experience, this is the one place that it won't be combined. 

♕ Do you suggest a men's group? 

Why yes, of course! There are presently challenges going on for men depending on what you're looking on achieving inside your world. 

Contact us at:

to provide this information to you. Oh, and No, our team isn't open 
to having some bizarre "pick-up date" so please save those emails & we don't need images either. Thanks! 

♕ Is there a physical requirement? 

Based on the current world changes, there isn't a physical gathering yet to be on the calendar. 

When there is, our internal tribe along with the members of the challenge will be the first to be notified. 

♕What should I expect? 

The entire 21 day challenge is an online program, so as long as you are connected to WIFI, you're able to participate for the entire time. 

Some of the work will be extremely easy for you, while other places- 

could be a challenge as you're making a covenant with yourself to press through some obstacles- hence a challenge : ) 

♕ Is there a guarantee?  

It's a bit bizarre that this question comes up, except it does, and it is so drastic of what this really means. 

So, let me be straight with you, the RESULTS that you want to achieve over the next 28 days is going to come down to YOU putting in the steps. 

Does the 4 step process work- YES, only IF you apply it. 

♕ Any special equipment needed?  

No, not really.

Just YOU, your phone, and an email address. 

See you inside the experience
to shift where you are, to where want to be. 

♕This experience is only for women? 

Right now, YES. Inside this group it is only for women.

While Lisa has worked with men and women for the growth of their businesses for over 20+ years, this experience could bring up situations or experiences that are bit more "inner-core" that with a combined group there may be some hesitation of being just who you are, so to provide a safe and vulnerable for the entire 21 day experience, this is the one place that it won't be combined. 

♕Do you suggest an all men's group? 

Why yes, of course! There are presently challenges going on for men depending on what you're looking on achieving inside your world. 

Contact us directly for a resource at:

to provide this information to you.

Oh, and No, our team isn't open to
having some bizarre "pick-up date"
so please save those emails & we don't need images either. Thanks! 

♕Is there a physical requirement? 

Based on the current world changes, there isn't a physical gathering yet to be on the calendar. 

When there is, our internal tribe along with the members of the challenge will be the first to be notified. 

♕What should I expect? 

The entire experience is online, so as long as you are connected to WIFI, you're able to participate for the entire time. 

Some of the work will be extremely easy for you, while other places- 

could be a challenge, as you're making a covenant with yourself to press through some obstacles- hence this is an experience all your own, with a group of us also.  : ) 

♕ Is there a guarantee?  

It's a bit bizarre that this question comes up, except it does, and it is so drastic of what this really means. 

So, let me be straight with you, the RESULTS that you want to achieve over the next 28 days is going to come down to YOU putting in the steps. 

Does the 4-pillar-system work- 
YES, only IF you apply it. 

My team & I will provide the necessary content, along with the entire system, it will be up to you, to utilize this. 

♕ Any special equipment needed?  

No, not really.

Just YOU, your phone, 
and an email address. 

See you inside the experience. 
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.